Sale - Looking at selling? Don’t make this mistake
Dreaming of an outta-sight price for your property? Be careful, it might cost you! When settling upon a ‘ball park figure’ you’d like to achieve for your home, do your research. Working with your agent, explore similar homes in your area – taking into account differences in location, modernity, structural integrity and design – and think about what buyers want. Pricing your home too high – or getting giddy with the agent who places the highest value on your asset – is a recipe for disaster.
By ‘outpricing’ the market, you risk driving buyers away from considering your property. The longer your property remains unsold, the more likely that you’ll have to dramatically lower its price to generate buyer interest.
Contrary to popular belief, competitively-priced homes often enjoy more buyer interest – and stronger sales results. Encouraging buyers to attend your opens results in a ‘buzzy’ feel about your property and a sense of it being ‘in demand’. When potential buyers see others are interested too, their desire becomes ignited – meaning a bigger result for you! Thinking about selling and concerned about pricing correctly? Let’s talk.