Growing pains

On average, the Australian homeowner moves every eight years. Their reasons are various – but they usually have to do with a change in personal circumstances. Perhaps there’s a new addition to the family. Maybe the kids have left for Uni, and a home now feels too large. Separation and retirement are also reasons to move on.

Many people find the decision to sell beloved homes difficult – not only for emotionally taxing reasons – but because they may need to leave the suburb they enjoy living in to accommodate their new life stage. But do they really? We consult with many owners who are surprised by the hidden potential their properties offer. With a little planning, hard work and determination – they may be able to stay in their home and still make life changes for themselves. Consider:

Two From One

Consult with your council and your estate agent to establish if you have the potential to subdivide your land. Perhaps you can develop – or simply sell – a portion of your land. You may use your profit to renovate or pop into your super – or you could move into the smaller property you build onsite!


If you love your neighbours and your home (but you need extra space) a judicious renovation could fit the bill. Moving costs can be heavy, including stamp duty and selling fees. Add up the costs to see if renovation could keep you in the suburb you call home.

Do you own a home?

Prepare for profit. Download our top tips on how to get the highest and best price when selling.