Downsizing and upsizing: pros and cons

You love where you live: you’re on a first name basis with your whole street, your neighbours check on your home when you’re on holidays, your community is your happy place. The only problem? You’ve outgrown your home.

Whether that’s because your family has grown and your residence is bursting at the seams, or because your adult children have left the nest …. deciding how to tackle a residence that no longer matches your needs can be tricky – especially when you don’t want to leave your community.

Whether upsizing or downsizing, you’ll need to think about moving and selling costs, stamp duty, the likely selling price for your current residence, and if renovation or subdivision are a possibility.

Need advice to plan your next real estate move? We’d be happy to meet with you to develop an upsize/downsize game plan that suits your goals and budget.

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