PM - Behind the scenes: What happens at a routine inspection
So, your property manager is overseeing your portfolio – answering your tenants’ queries, collecting rent and of course, carrying out those all-important routine inspections to make sure everything is ship shape. But what exactly goes on behind the clipboard?
When your property manager visits your properties for inspection, they are of course checking your tenants are looking after the home – but that’s not all. Different states have different legislation, and your property manager will be well-versed on what compliance looks like for landlords and tenants more locally.
Ensuring the property is safe for your tenants to reside in is an important aspect of inspections – their thorough checking can save you from a lot of heartache if safety or health issues have been left unreported by tenants.
Routine inspections can also help minimize the likelihood of necessary maintenance in your property. Your property manager will be on the lookout for preventative measures you can take to avoid cosmetic and structural problems developing in the property – as well as identifying any areas of improvement that could allow you to command a higher yield in future.
Take time to go through your routine inspection report with your property manager. While everything may be running smoothly and complying with the necessary legal requirements, there are often improvements identified that are worth undertaking for the benefit of your investment and your tenants.